A drunk Gohan dares Mai to shoot him he deflects the bullets with one finger, but one of them hits Videl’s leg and another one hits Beerus’ forehead. When Mai accidentally drops the Dragon Ball she stole, she takes Trunks hostage, but no one seems concerned. Discovering the three of them, Trunks mistakes Pilaf for a monkey and fibs to Goten that Mai is his girlfriend, which leads to the trio being brought in front of the party-goers. Meanwhile, Pilaf, Mai, and Shu sneak into the party in order to steal the Dragon Balls, but are not recognized as they have been turned into children before the events of the film, they gathered all the Dragon Balls themselves and wished for youth, but Shenlong made them a little too young. Vegeta, who already knew about Beerus, because of a warning from Kaiō-sama, casts his pride aside in order to put Beerus in a good mood. Disappointed by the subsequent lack of challenge, Beerus departs in order to seek out more powerful adversaries on Earth.ĬLICK HERE DOWNLOAD DRAGON BALL Z : BATTLE OF GODSīeerus’ arrival interrupts Bulma’s 38th birthday party. On Kaiō-sama’s planet, Goku proceeds to challenge Beerus, but ultimately is overwhelmed and defeated in two strikes despite having powered up to Super Saiyan 3.

Beerus, with Whis, then tracks down the Saiyan warrior Goku, who defeated Freeza. Thirty-nine years earlier, the Yogen-gyo foretold that a mighty opponent would appear before Beerus, the Super Saiyan God.

Whis wakes Beerus, the God of Destruction, from his long slumber and tells him that Freeza was defeated by a Saiyan.